V9:Hit Locations

From V9 Development
Developer Note: The current V9 Rules can be found here.

The V9 Wiki is currently obsolete. The Project Phoenix Google Doc is the main source of V9 rules going forward.
We will eventually rebuild the wiki as a comprehensive rules reference, but now is not that time.

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- The Project Phoenix (V9) Development Team

This page is part of the V9 Development Project.
  • These rules represent a proposed ruleset for the Amtgard LARP. All references to the organization are used from that perspective, and do not represent current organizational policy or procedures. Amtgard is a trademark of Amtgard International.
  • This wiki is the detailed, comprehensive form of the ruleset. You can find the condensed Quick-Play rules here. These are currently still a work in progress.
  • To view the current official Amtgard rules, please see the Amtgard V8 Rulebook.

Hit Locations

Definitions and Diagram

Diagram of Hit Locations

In Amtgard combat, a player's body is divided into five (5) ‘Hit Locations’ which may be struck to inflict damage or effects in combat: Left Arm, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg, and Torso.

  • Arms (left/right): From the tips of the fingers to the shoulder socket.
  • Legs (left/right): From the tips of the toes to bottom of the buttocks in the back; the crease between the hip and each leg in the front; and just below the hip bone on either side.
  • Torso: Everything that isn’t an arm or a leg, including the groin, up to the vertical rise of the neck.
  • Illegal - Head and Neck: The head and neck are illegal targets for all Amtgard combat. Strikes to these areas will never count as a valid hit, nor will they be able to inflict any damage or effects. Players are not allowed to intentionally use their head or neck to block incoming attacks. If a player strikes an opponent in the head or neck and gains a gameplay advantage from it, they should stop fighting and allow their opponent to recover. If necessary, rewind to the point of the illegal strike and resume the fight if/when they are able.

Torso Priority

If a strike lands on the line between the torso and an arm or leg, the strike counts as only hitting the torso location. This supersedes Armor Priority whenever applicable.

Hand Protection (aka ‘Hand on Weapon’)

If a strike hits a hand below the wrist that is wielding a weapon or shield, the strike counts as hitting that piece of equipment instead of the hand. Equipment that cannot be used to block, such as bows and projectiles, will not protect the hand this way.

Foot on Ground

A foot touching the ground is unaffected by strikes below the ankle. All attempts to strike it are considered invalid. No effects can be imparted through this contact. A foot that is completely in the air is fair game and can be struck as normal.

Core Combat Rules
Acceptable Contact · Hit Locations · Striking Your Opponent · Wounds · Death · Dragging
Amtgard V9 Rulebook
Playtest Disclaimer · Introduction · Getting Started · Garb · Honor System · Safety · Core Combat Rules · Equipment · Classes · Abilities and Effects · Magic Items · Combat Activities · Rules Authorities
Appendix: Equipment Inspection Guide · Master List of Abilities · Glossary