Participants are never immune to combat or effects while discussing or clarifying rules with other players and/or Rules Authorities during live gameplay. It is important for Reeves and players to work cooperatively to resolve mid-game issues quickly and fairly without impacting the experience of others (such as by suddenly becoming immune to interaction).
In addition, even if a Reeve witnesses the complicated encounter, they won't always be able or available to help resolve it. Players are encouraged to keep this in mind and set their expectations accordingly. Mid-game adjudication is a privilege, not a right. It is best to engage Reeves while you are dead or between game rounds to help prevent issues from repeating rather than relying on them to make moment-to-moment calls. Our player-run system simply cannot guarantee that kind of instant, play-by-play, support.
You can help your local Reeves by reviewing the Best Practices and keeping them in mind when issues arise.