The Sandbox Roleplay game mode, also known as "Open Roleplay", puts a spin on the traditional gameplay mechanics by foregoing teams, storylines, and specific objectives to instead encourage players to roleplay freely among themselves, engaging in combat only if and when the need arises.
This mode allows all game rules including combat and classes but is typically used for feasts, courts, and other low-combat environments where the focus is primarily on social roleplay. This means Sandbox Roleplay is great for non-fighting participants as well as traditional combat-ready players.
Most importantly, it is uncommon for Sandbox Roleplay to have a dedicated Game Organizer, so players who wish to roleplay this way will simply congregate together and drop in/drop out at their leisure.
Sandbox Roleplay is a great way to help players develop their character's non-combat personality and establish key details like occupations, hobbies, alignment, alliances, etc.
Is Roleplay expected? As the name implies, roleplay is expected in Sandbox Roleplay activities. With that in mind, the disorganized nature of sandbox roleplay means that not everyone in your immediate area will always be participating so you may find yourself occasionally interrupted by out-of-character matters or otherwise be forced to move your roleplay to an area that is less likely to be interupted.
Example Games
Developer Note: Full examples for this game mode to be included here in the future. If you see this message and have a simple write-up for a game in this style, send it to the V9 Development Team on Facebook, Discord, or