Visual Indicators are a functional piece of garb that serves to provide at-a-glance information to other players on the field. While Amtgard uses a number of standardized Visual Indicators, custom indicators can also be created for specific events, such as Team Headbands.
Sashes are primarily used to denote a player's Class. They must be worn from the shoulder to the opposite hip across the body in a manner that not obscured by garb or other equipment.
Construction Rules
- Must be at least 2" wide.
- Every sash is associated with an class or custom rule and must match the appropriate Color Code.
- Color blind aids should run across the sash short-ways (see image). We recommend placing the lines on either side of the player, roughly at heart-level; however you can adjust the placement to suit your kit and avoid obstruction by shield or garb. Use double-lines for better visibility or if the sash has other designs that might pull focus.