Simple Summary
Teleport: Incant "Travel through the aether" x3 to make the target insubstantial and move directly to a fixed location. They may exit by incanting "I return to the physical world" x2 at the destination. (Or along the path there as long as they are 10ft away from living enemies.)
Available to
Archer, Assassin, Druid, Healer, Scout, Wizard
Verbal (Non-Offensive)
- 5ft (Any) - Assassin, Druid, Healer, Scout, Wizard
- Self - Archer
"Travel through the aether" x3
Status Effect: Target becomes Insubstantial and is forced to move directly to a destination chosen by the caster at the time of casting. Upon reaching the destination the target must end the effect by declaring "I return to the physical world" x2. The target may end this effect prematurely in the same way anytime they are at least 10ft away from all living enemies.
Other Details
The destination must be a static, unmoving location that can be definitively known by the target at the time of casting. For example, if the chosen destination is "Behind that wizard", the target must be able to know exactly what that means before they start moving and the location will not change if the wizard moves away while the target is in transit.